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Stany Zjednoczone i Kanada

Inspection Integration

Check every vehicle, see every opportunity





Integrate results, no manual input required


Alignment opportunities


Tire results help sell critical replacements





Identify & sell the most profitable service opportunities


Your Return On Investment

Input your vehicles/day and profits to calculate your payback

Rotate your screen to landscape.
All figures rounded to the nearest whole number
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Additional Daily Profit
Annual Return
Equipment Investment
Equipment Payback

Contact for pricing or demo

  • Notes
    • One alignment system per 50 cars inspected is typically required to support additional alignment opportunities
    • See current tax code. In many cases full purchase price of equipment is tax deductible
    • Concrete work required for QuickTread® component included in investment amount above.
    • Payback calculation: (Equipment Investment) / (Cars/day X Failure rate X acceptance rate X typical profit X 5.5 day/week X 4 wks/mo)



Automatic Tire Recommendations


Hunter Unmanned Inspection Equipment automatically captures:

  • Tire Tread
  • Rim Diameter
  • VIN
  • Alignment

Dealer Tire Integration automatically provides:

  • Correct Tire Choices
  • Correct Pricing
  • In Stock
  • ...and more!



Your Logo

Add your company logo to customize the tire selection.

Customer Vehicles

Show results for your customer's vehicle type.

Customer's Wheel Size

Show wheel sizes for customer's vehicle type.

Your Inventory

Show your inventory of wheels.

Your Prices

Show your prices.

Your Promo

Show your promotions.

Ready to buy

Your items are ready to purchase.

Fully-automatic sales tool in 15 seconds




Dealer Tire OEM Alliances




All Partner Integrations

Hunter equipment integrates with leading industry partners to span the entire customer service experience, including virtually every major dealer management and shop management system.




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