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Today’s vehicles demand the best equipment.

So do your technicians.


Don't just provide the tools to do the job.

Provide the best tools to do the best job.

Being a tech is hard work. Being a tech in a shop where there are obstacles to getting things done makes hard work harder. 

Skilled technicians know the difference. They demand equipment that helps them do their job faster, easier and safer

Investing in quality equipment is investing in retaining the great techs you have.

And attracting the ones you need.





What are technicians saying about Hunter equipment? 







"Our technicians actually enjoy using the equipment and fight over who can do each set of tires."


Boston Motor Werks, Belmont, MA




"The hardest part is rolling it over to the balancer."


Eddy's Toyota, Wichita, KS




"A guy can do an alignment and not really understand the difference between camber, caster or thrustline."


Jim Falk Lexus, Beverly Hills, CA




"[The AutoComp Elite®doesn't require me to take everything apart, so in the end it saves time and money."


Laura Ford, Sullivan, MO





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Invest in success

Training techs the way you'd want them trained

Hands-on experience

All Hunter training classes are led by ASE-certified instructors using training materials kept up to date through a rigorous curriculum review process.

  • Small group size and limited classroom time
  • Hands-on experience using the latest Hunter equipment
  • Training facilities located across the country
  • Heavy-duty truck facilities offer training on class 8 trucks and semi-trailers


Find a course near you

Hunter University

Hunter University’s eLearning courses are designed for all student levels and serve as an integral supplement to instructor-led training courses. In-depth information, detailed graphics, video and modular segments assist the participant in expanding their knowledge base at a self-determined level.

  • Train at your own pace
  • Explore new concepts


Explore Hunter University courses



Su capacitador local de Hunter está certificado por la ASE para ayudarle a aprender y sobresalir a través de clases en profundidad con capacitación práctica aplicable.


Este formulario de contacto está destinado a consultas legítimas sobre equipos y servicios de Hunter. Cualquier otro uso está prohibido y será descartado. Consulte los Términos de uso completos




Explore further

Equipo de Innovación


Cientos de características patentadas y exclusivas que comienzan con el equipo de investigación y desarrollo de ingenieros mecánicos, eléctricos y de software.

Capacitación de Hunter

Certificación ASE

Aprenda de capacitadores expertos en el uso práctico de equipos y el aprendizaje en el aula.

Historia de Hunter

Desde 1946

Fundada por el miembro del Salón de la Fama Automotriz, Lee Hunter, Hunter Engineering ha desarrollado una reputación por su innovación.

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